110_Quitting social media_SNS断ち

[Hiragana and English is below]








What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Stretching? Maybe you drink a cup of coffee? Or do you check the news and social networking sites? If you are looking at social networking sites first thing in the morning, doesn’t it feel as if your phone is sucking up all your energy?

I have recently read an article about the influence of social media. For many years the reporter checked social media sites first thing in the morning. However, as part of a coaching program to change deep-rooted habits of many years, the reporter decided to stop using social media for a month.

As a result the reporter felt more productive, focussed, as well as more imaginative. There are two reasons for this. The first reason is that distractions have been eliminated. Time used for Instagram and Facebook could instead be used for working or for studying, or in pursuing your hobbies. The second reason is that you are able to discover what you really believe. When you use social media, other people’s ideas influence you before you have been able to think things through yourself.

Some people might say, “I know how social media affects me, but how can I prevent it?” I would like to suggest a few methods I have tried. First of all, decide clearly which social media you want to limit and at what times you are allowed to use it. In my case, I have set a rule for myself that I will not check Instagram or Twitter during the morning hours. However, in an era in which social media has become so part of our daily lives, many people might not be able to stop using it. If this is the case you might have to use more forceful measures. You could set screen time limits on your phone so that you are not able to use it for more than an hour; or you might tell your family or friends, “When I use social media I will treat you to a cup of coffee.” In the beginning you might think about your smartphone constantly, but eventually you will be able to enjoy meaningful time away from social media.

Rather than being slaves to social media, let us try using it skillfully.


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