102_Food waste in Japan_日本(にほん)の食品(しょくひん)ロス
[Furigana and English Below]
みなさんは、ごはんを食べるのが好きですか?私は大好きです!自分で作ってうちで食べるのも好きだし、外食も好きです。特に、たまにレストランで食べるちょっと豪華な食事は本当に美味しいと感じます。片付けなくていいという気楽さもありますね(笑)でも、少食なので、食べきれることは珍しいです。その場合、日本のレストランではそのまま残して帰らなければいけないことが多いので、もったいないなと思います。でも、アメリカやヨーロッパではDoggy bagがありますね。外食して残した分を入れて持ち帰れる、小さな容器のことです。日本ではなぜか、その習慣はありません。残したものを持ち帰るのは、はしたない、卑しいことだと考える人が多いようです。
日本でこれほどたくさんの食べ物が廃棄されているのには、いくつか理由があると思います。まず、衛生意識が高いので、賞味期限が切れた食べ物を食べようとしない人が多いこと。それから、飲食店でDoggy bagのシステムを採用しているお店が少ないことが挙げられます。
Do you like eating food? I love it! I like making dishes by myself and eating it at home, and I also like eating out. When I occasionally eat fancy meals at a restaurant, I find it especially delicious. Maybe it’s because I don’t have to clean up the mess, lol. However, since I don’t eat a lot I rarely finish my meal. When I eat in Japanese restaurants, I often have to leave uneaten food, which feels really wasteful. But in the U.S. or Europe they have doggy bags, right? A doggy bag is a container in which you can take your leftovers home. For some reason we don’t have such a custom in Japan. It seems that many Japanese consider taking leftovers home as bad manners and greediness.
Now, today’s topic is food waste in Japan. Although Japan imports a lot of food, a big part of it is thrown away. The amount of waste is 6.12 million tons per year. This is equivalent to one bowl of food per person everyday. There are two main types of food waste: business food waste from restaurants, convenience stores, and supermarkets; and household food waste, which is food thrown away by individuals. Sixty percent of the total amount of wasted food is attributed to the former, and forty percent of the total to the latter.
I think there are several reasons why so much food is wasted in Japan. First, people are very hygiene-conscious, so many people do not want to eat food that has expired. Second, few restaurants apply the doggy bag system.
While we are raised with a “MOTTAINAI” spirit in Japan, there is also a lot of food waste in Japan. If the perceptions regarding leftovers and expiration dates are gradually changed, food loss may well be reduced.