112_How to focus on what to do_集中するためのテクニック
Not long ago I talked about quitting social media. When you stop using social media your productivity and your ability to focus improve. Are there any people who have tried to quit? What was your experience? It is great if you have experienced positive results, but for those who still struggle, I would like to share with you ways on improving your concentration. Of course, this is also for those who are able to focus well, but would like to be even more productive.
Today, I would like to introduce two techniques. The first tool helps you to prioritize the things you have to do. Have you ever heard of the Eisenhower Matrix? Even if you do not know this method by its name, you might still know what it is about. According to the Eisenhower Matrix, you divide the things you have to do into four quadrants. The two axes of the quadrant indicate urgency and importance. After allocating all your tasks to these quadrants you first tackle the tasks that are more urgent and of higher importance. Tasks that are less urgent can be done later, while tasks of less importance can even be delegated to other people.
The second method is the Pomodoro technique. Even though the name sounds delicious, it has no reference to pasta (LOL). This method forcefully divides your focussed time from your break times using a kitchen timer. In general, this method recommends alternating chunks of 25 minutes intense focussed time with breaks of 5 minutes.
Incidentally, in my case, in the middle of doing focussed work, I tend to remember new tasks, in which case, rather than stopping my focussed work, I make a note to myself to do it later. By doing this, I will not forget the task, and as these pop-up thoughts are usually not urgent or very important, it is also not necessary for me to do it immediately.
So, didn’t this help you to finish your TO DO list already? Why don’t you try these methods, and if they work for you, please tell me.