128_”Garbage Island” in Japan_日本の「ゴミの島」

128_”Garbage Island” in Japan_日本の「ゴミの島」





Have you ever heard of an island called Teshima? It is a small island in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, with a population of only 760 people. Not even many Japanese people know this island, but it is a beautiful place with terraced rice paddies. Teshima is now an island with abundant nature, but do you know what it used to be called? It was called "Garbage Island.” Today, I would like to explain how Teshima, once an island of garbage, has regained its rich natural environment.

Originally, Teshima was a place with abundant nature, as well as a thriving agriculture and fishing industry. But in the 1970s, a tourism company applied to the prefectural governor to be allowed to operate an industrial waste disposal business, and a lot of industrial waste was brought to this island. At first only wood chips and kitchen waste were disposed of, but gradually more and more harmful waste was brought in. Thus, Teshima became a "waste disposal island" where one could not walk outside without wearing a mask.

But the story does not end here. The residents of the island banded together to campaign against air pollution. Politicians and government officials, at first not responding, started to understand the enthusiasm of the people of the island and the seriousness of the problem, and they began punishing the prefectural governor as well as investigating the tourism company. In this way, over a period of decades, Teshima has gradually been restored.

On this island, with its aging population, most of the residents who started the campaign have died. It is a pity that the people who worked so hard to restore the beauty of Teshima have passed away before seeing the island as it is today. I think Teshima is a good example of people standing up and succeeding in solving environmental issues. Even if we cannot see the future one hundred years from now, why don't we also take action to leave a more beautiful earth behind, instead of giving up because "the government won't act"?


129_The Origin of Japan_日本の成り立ち


127_How to make the best choice_最高の選択をするには