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As more and more consumers demand environmentally friendly products and services, words like "eco-friendly," "all-natural," and "green" are seen more often. But some companies exploit these terms to deceive consumers, and consumers may become victims of "greenwashing” without knowing it. Today I will talk about what greenwashing is and what we can do about it.

Greenwashing is a marketing tactic in which a company pretends to be more environmentally conscious than it really is. For example companies may advertise that they are environmentally friendly, although in reality they are not, or they may abuse various certifications that are not actually related to environmental protection.

As a practical example the biggest beverage manufacturer that is also the biggest polluter has declared that they would make its packaging 100% recyclable by 2025, but the facilities for recycling are not yet in place. Another example is an automobile manufacturer that advertises its vehicles as fuel-efficient, but in reality they still emit a lot of CO2.

Some may think that it is difficult for us ordinary consumers to see through these techniques, but there are several ways to discover what is actually true. For instance, we can avoid believing the company's claims blindly, by carefully checking the product's ingredient list and certification label, researching reviews of the reputation of products or manufacturers done by third-party organizations, and gathering information from multiple sources. Other ways might be to demand transparent disclosure from companies, have an interest in politics, and support pro-environmental policies. It is said that young people, especially in Japan, are not interested in politics, but voting for politicians who advocate for environmental protection may be a good way to be involved in environmental activism.

Recently awareness of greenwashing has been growing, and companies are trying to improve little by little. In addition more and more consumers are not only aware of it, but also actually taking action. In order not to be fooled by greenwashing, it is important for us consumers to gather information and to look at companies with a critical eye. I believe that the individual actions of us all could lead to environmental protection.


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