153_イスラム教の特別な期間:ラマダン_Ramadan: A Dedicated Period for Muslims





I have mentioned several times that Malaysia has three different ethnic cultures, but today I would like to talk about the culture of the national religion of the country, the Islamic culture. Every year Muslims have to go through a challenging period. Can you guess what it is? It is Ramadan. Simply put, Ramadan is a period of fasting. In Islam, there are five religious obligations called the Gogyo, or Five Pillars, and one of them is Ramadan. During this period they are not allowed to eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. It is reasoned that by giving up their bad habits for a month they will learn to control their desires. Therefore not only do they have to fast, but they also have to refrain from fighting and bad-mouthing others during Ramadan. Another purpose is to strengthen their faith, so many people read the Koran and spend the day in quiet contemplation.

In Malaysia Ramadan usually begins around 6:00 a.m. as the sun rises. Muslims get up at around 5:00 a.m. and prepare a breakfast called safur. What they eat seems to depend on the individual there are no specific rules. However it is more important to drink plenty of water in preparation for the day. After breakfast it is time to start fasting. For the first few days, it is difficult to get used to the sensation of thirst and hunger, but gradually the body becomes accustomed to it. However, it is a challenge to maintain stamina, so many people take naps to conserve energy. At around 7:00 p.m., it is time to break the fast. Many people eat iftar, the post-fasting meal, with a large group of family and friends, as it is believed that the more people eat together, the better. As iftar time approaches people start preparing large quantities of dinner in kitchens, and restaurants in shopping malls become verycrowded. In Malaysia restaurants and hotels offer Ramadan-only buffets, and many small stalls selling food, known as "Ramadan bazaars," line the streets.

By the way you may think, "Won't they lose weight if they fast for a month?" On the contrary, many people actually gain weight! It may be because they eat a full meal during iftar, and eat desserts and snacks while gathering with friends and family until late at night.

Now after Ramadan, which is a form of spiritual discipline as well as a sacred custom for Muslims, a festival called Hari Raya Puasa is held to celebrate the end of the fast. On the morning of the last day
 of the fast, after praying at mosques, people visit homes of their friends and relatives and have a meal together. This is a time to rediscover the importance of food and to show thankfulness for it. Children are given dui hariraya, which is a kind of New Year's gift, and special sweets (prepared in advance) are served to them. Toward the end of Ramadan, more and more people return home to prepare for Hari Raya Puasa, and many people prepare sweets, get new clothes, redecorate their rooms, and do deep cleaning. For Muslims it is one of the most joyful days of the year. It is a bit similar to the Japanese New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, isn’t it?


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