156_日本の食習慣「腹八分目」_A Japanese dietary habit:"Harahachibunme"






When you are having a good time with friends at a restaurant or watching a movie while eating pizza on a couch at home, have you ever ended up overeating? For those who want to break this habit, I would like to introduce a Japanese custom today. It is the concept of "Harahachibunme”; or eating until you are 80 percent full.

The term "harahachibunme" is a custom of not eating until you are full, but stopping at 80 percent. It is part of the Japanese food culture that has taken root in Japan a long time ago, and is known as an effective way to maintain health and lose weight. In Japan this custom is believed to be so good for one's health that there is even a saying, "Harahachibunme keeps the doctor away." This phrase seems to have its origin from the book "Yojo-kun" written by Kaibara Ekiken, a doctor in the Edo period (1603-1868).

There are various benefits and advantages of harahachibunme. You probably know without being told that overeating is bad for your health, but eating until you are full leads to the intake of excessive calories and fat, which increases the risk of obesity and other lifestyle diseases. Harahachibunme, therefore reduces calorie intake, which is effective in maintaining good health. It is also good for your digestive system, as it allows you to digest your food without putting extra strain on your stomach and intestines. Harahachibunme has even more benefits! Do you find yourself yawning or feeling sleepy when you return to work or class after lunch? Actually this is caused by overeating. When you eat until you are full, blood flows to the intestines, which causes drowsiness and poor concentration. If you eat only until you are 80% full, the blood flow to the brain is maintained, which allows you to stay focused.

For those who think, "I understand that there are a lot of benefits for harahachibunme, but I can't change my habits that quickly," I will share a few ideas. First, let’s start with what you can do before you start eating. Decide how much food you are going to eat before your meal and put the portion on your plate. It will make it easier to prevent yourself from taking seconds and overindulging. Next, chew your food slowly and thoroughly. This will help you feel fuller and naturally reduce the amount you eat. Even if you still feel like eating more after you chew slowly and finish the amount of food you have prepared in advance, try waiting a little longer. Waiting a little after finishing your meal helps your brain recognize that you are full and prevents you from overeating.

Harahachibunme is a useful habit for a healthy diet. Consider trying out these methods


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