157_手作りで丁寧な暮らし_Mindful life with home-made food






I have always enjoyed cooking, but since moving to Malaysia, I have started to experiment with cooking various things for the first time. I think the appeal of homemade food is that it is healthy and freshly made, with no additives. Today I would like to introduce some examples of what I have been making.

First, let me start with granola. I usually eat the same thing every morning: some fruit, yogurt, and a little bit of granola on top of it. I used to buy granola at a supermarket, but last year I started making it by myself. It's surprisingly tasty even with simple ingredients. Of course some people may think it's a lot of work, but for me the following benefits outweigh the effort: The package doesn't end up in a garbage bin. You can enjoy the original flavor of the ingredients if you make it less sweet than store-bought granola. And you can adjust the taste to your own preference.

I have also recently started making my own yogurt, which I eat for breakfast. I thought it might be difficult to control the temperature since it is a fermented food, but as long as you have the right equipment, such as a thermometer and a hot water bottle, I don't think you need to worry. But don't forget to sanitize your equipment to prevent bad bacterias from getting in!

Now my final endeavor which I would like to tell you about is bread. I used to love baking bread when I was a student. But when I started working, I had no time for baking, and it’s been quite a while since the last time I had baked. However, when I heard about some people around me baking bread using sourdough starter, I decided to give it a try. It sounds complicated to bake bread with a starter, doesn’t it? I thought so too at first, but once you find a method that matches your environment, you basically repeat the same process over and over again, so it only takes effort and some resourcefulness in the beginning. The biggest advantage of baking your own bread is that you can eat freshly baked bread! The yeasty aromal coming from an oven...My stomach is growling just thinking about it lol. The process of kneading dough and baking bread with your own hands, using only salt, yeast, and flour, without any additives, is truly magical. Just one bite of bread will fill your mouth with the original flavors of the ingredients and soothe away the tiredness of daily life.

Homemade does not just mean making something with your own hands. It is a way to live mindfully and to lead a healthy life, both physically and mentally, isn’t it? Some of you who are listening to this episode may be saying, "I'm too busy to do that!" But if you are interested at all, please give it a try.  


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