15_Mid-year gift/Year-end gift_お歳暮(せいぼ)・お中元(ちゅうげん)文化(ぶんか)



[English Below]


Today, I'd like to talk about a Japanese custom. Have you heard about "ochugen" or "oseibo" before? If you don't know these words, you can probably not imagine what they mean, even if you see the kanji. Ochugen or oseibo is a gift sent at a specific time of the year to someone to whom you feel indebted. Ochugen is sent in the middle of the year and oseibo is sent at the end of the year. It's slightly different from other gifts, such as birthday gifts. Usually you send food or alcohol. As every Japanese department store put various products out for sale, the ochugen or oseibo season is often called the “Ochugen/oseibo Sales War”. I have worked for a department store to sell oseibo before, and I was surprised to see someone buying more than 10 gift packages. Since you could only buy those kinds of gifts during that season, we were so busy. Does your country have this kind of custom?


16_A Visionary Cheese Cake_幻(まぼろし)のチーズケーキ


14_A good food for summer heat fatigue_夏(なつ)バテに効(き)く食(た)べ物(もの)