161_オーガニック神話_The Organic Myth






Organic food has become very popular in the past few years, has’t it? This is probably because people believe that organic means healthier and more natural. But what exactly does organic mean? In fact there is no universal standard, so definitions and rules seem to vary from region to region, and country to country. Generally foods that are considered organic are grown without the use of genetic modification, synthetic fertilisers, or synthetic pesticides. The farmers who grow organic foods use compost and other organic fertilisers to grow their crops in more traditional ways. Now today let's think about these organic foods from two perspectives.

The first aspect to consider is health. Is organic food really good for your health? Yes we know that they contain more antioxidants than crops grown in a normal way. But opinions seem to be divided amongst scientists on whether antioxidants are even good for you. There are also various conflicting opinions about the other nutritional benefits of organic food. According to scientists, if you want to be more healthy you should just eat more vegetables in general, and not specifically organic vegetables.

The next aspect to consider is the environment. Is organic food good for the environment? Organic farming uses less energy than traditional farming, but the amount of greenhouse gas emissions is the same as traditional farming. Also organic farming requires more land to produce the same amount of crops as traditional farming. Therefore traditional farming is likely to have a less detrimental impact on the environment.

I have listed all the bad things about organic food, but don’t forget that each farming method has its advantages and disadvantages. Organic food can be a good option depending on what is really important to you. As I mentioned earlier, if you want to make choices that are good for your health and the environment, simply buying organic produce is not the solution to the problem. Rather buying local produce in season seems to be the easiest solution.

When you go shopping, don't be fooled by the image that a word conjures, but rather make informed choices that suit your purposes.


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