160_映画_生きる_の感想_My thoughts on the movie_Living

最近、いい映画を立て続けに見ています。自分の好みに合う作品を見つけたときの喜びはひとしおですね。さて、今日は最近見て良かった映画を、みなさんに共有します。『生きる Living』という映画です。オリヴァー・ハーマナス監督の作品で、1952年に製作された黒澤明監督の映画をリメイクしたものです。脚本を手がけたのは、ノーベル文学賞受賞作家のカズオ・イシグロさんです。




Recently I have been watching a string of good movies. It is a great pleasure when you find a film that suits your taste, isn’t it? Today I would like to share with you a movie I enjoyed watching recently. It is a film called Living. It is directed by Oliver Hermanus, and is a remake of Akira Kurosawa's film from 1952. The script was written by Kazuo Ishiguro, a Nobel laureate in literature.

Let me give you a brief synopsis. The story takes place in 1953 in a post World War II London still recovering from the devastation. The main character, Williams, is a diligent man who has worked as a civil servant for many years and will retire soon. He is devoted to his work to such a degree that his wife and his son reject him. One day he is told by his doctor that he has only six months to live. Williams despairs and he goes to a seaside resort, where he meets a writer who through various experiences shows Williams how to get his life back. When Williams returns to London, he happens to meet a young colleague, Miss Harris, and inspired by her vitality he decides to try out various things to make the most of the time he has left.

This movie made me think about the meaning and value of life. Williams realises that he has neglected the things that are important to him as a result of his work-oriented life. And by living his remaining time to the fullest, he finds meaning in his life. The film also teaches you how to face death. Williams does not just wait in fear of death, but tries to have a fulfilling life until the very end.

The original movie is set in Japan, so if you are interested, please watch that as well.


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