163_知られざるウミウシの世界_The Unknown World of Sea Slugs
After getting my diving licence a while ago, I went on my second diving trip. When you dive, dive masters and instructors explain marine life to you. You can also see many creatures under the sea. Today I would like to introduce my favourite creature and its amazing features.
My favourite creature is the nudibranch. Nudibranchs are also known as the slugs of the sea. Some people think it is a bit creepy, but unlike land slugs, sea slugs are colourful and very cute. They are found in most of the world's oceans and surprisingly, there are more than 3,000 species.
Let me tell you about the nudibranch’s amazing characteristics. The first is that they can photosynthesize, even though they are animals. Coral, which is the nudibranch's staple food, contains a lot of algae. So when the nudibranch eats coral, it also eats algae. The algae it ate is stored in a part of its transparent digestive system and when exposed to sunlight it photosynthesizes. The nudibranch uses the acquired energy in every part of its body. Do you thinkit is actually the algae that photosynthesizes, not the nudibranch, and that the nudibranch cannot survive without food? Actually an experiment showed that nudibranchs can live depending only on algae for nutrition without being fed anything else.
The second amazing feature is that they can steal poisonous cells from jellyfish, anemones, and other poisonous creatures. You might be worried that the nudibranch will get stung if it takes these cells into their own bodies. However, thanks to the mucilage and the solid walls in their intestines, it is not stung. It stores the cells in its body, and uses these poisonous cells to protect them from their predators. When a creature tries to attack the nudibranch, the nudibranch fires these cells, which are shaped like a harpoon, to repel the enemy!
What do you think? The mystery of living things is truly astonishing. I am going to study more and more about sea creatures!