8_How I enjoyed a weekend with my friends_休日(きゅうじつ)の過(す)ごし方



[English below]



・ドライイースト 3g
・オリーブオイル 13g

1. ボウルに、材料(ざいりょう)を全(すべ)て入(い)れて混(ま)ぜて、生地(きじ)をまとめる。
2. 生地(きじ)がまとまったらなめらかになるまでこねる。
3. 2等分(とうぶん)して、ラップをかけて10~15分発酵(はっこう)させる。
4. オーブンを250℃~280℃に予熱(よねつ)する。
5. オーブンシートに生地(きじ)をのせて、伸(の)ばす。
6. 薄(うす)く伸(の)ばしたら、オリーブオイルを塗(ぬ)って、好(す)きな具材(ぐざい)をのせる。
7. オーブンで15分(ふん)くらい焼(や)く。

Today, I want to talk you guys about how I spend a holiday.
It's rainy season in Japan now. Sendai, where I live, has been raining for about two weeks. Also, because of the pandemic, I'm more likely to stay home than before. So today, I will talk about how I enjoyed spending time with friends.
Last weekend, I made a pizza with my friends at home. You may think that pizza is usually eaten at a restaurant or at a delivery, but it's easier to make it than you expect! It was raining on last weekend, so we drove a car to go shopping. We visited a store where is selling imported food. You can buy Italian cheese, Korean toppocchi, or Mexican salsa. I decided to spend a lot of money to make pizza and we bought delicious cheese and anchovies. Visiting the store was interesting because there were many foods that I couldn't find in a normal supermarket.
After returning from shopping, we made a dough for pizza. We added flour and yeast and ferment. During that time, I enjoyed talking to friends having beer. When you finished leaven dough with yeast, simply add the ingredients bake it in the oven. It's easy, isn't it? I enjoyed spending time making and eating. It was really delicious, so I'll make it again.
I will write the recipe on my website, so please read it if you like.
Bye now for today. My podcast has many episodes about food lol

◆How to make pizza by yourself◆

◆Ingredients for 2 people◆

・Hard flour 165g
・Flour 35g
・Sugar 13g
・Salt 2g
・dry yeast 3g
・Water 100cc
・Olive oil 13g

◆How to cook◆
1. Put all the ingredients in to the bowl and mix them.
2. Knead a dough until the surface becomes smooth
3. Divide the dough in half and wrap it in cellophane. Leaven it for 10 to 15min.
4. Preheat the oven to 250 to 280℃.
5. Put the dough on the oven sheet, roll out the dough into thin pieces.
6. Spread the dough with olive oil, put anything you want on it.
7. Bake it for 10 to 15min.


9_The difference between the east and west side in Japan_日本(にほん)の地域(ちいき)によって違(ちが)うもの


7_A movie I watched recently_最近(さいきん)見(み)た映画(えいが)