149_源氏物語_The Tale of Genji
源氏物語とは、どんな物語なんでしょう?舞台は、平安時代の貴族社会。輝くばかりの美貌と才能に恵まれた貴族、光源氏の一生を描いた物語です。西暦1008年頃に執筆されたとされているので、世界最古の物語と言われています。光源氏が数多の恋愛を経験しながら、貴族として最高の栄誉を極める前半、恋愛や人間関係のほころびを知り、やがて出家を志す後半と、彼の子孫たちの人生までが書かれています。 さて、これを書いた紫式部という人は、いったいどんな人なのか?実は、『源氏物語』彼女の最初にして最後の作品なんです。彼女は下級貴族の生まれで、夫と死別し、その現実を忘れるために物語を書き始めたと言われています。当時、紙は貴重だったので、物語を書く機会もあまりありませんでした。そのため、紙をくれる人がいる度に物語を書き進め、それを仲間内で披露して楽しんでいたんです。そんなある日、その物語の評判を時の人、藤原道長が耳にして、娘の家庭教師として紫式部を宮中に呼び入れました。それを機に、紫式部は宮仕えをしながら藤原道長の支援を受けて物語を書き続け、54帖もの『源氏物語』を書き上げました。それが瞬く間に天皇や貴族の間で大ベストセラーとなったんです。源氏物語は今でも、日本文学の傑作と言われていて、たくさんの研究者や愛読者がいます。
Do you like Japanese television series? Many people may like anime, but there are many interesting television series as well as anime. Among these, NHK dramas have long been a firm favourite in Japan. There are asadora (morning TV series), which are broadcast for 15 minutes every weekday, and historical dramas called taiga dramas, which are broadcast throughout the year. By the way, the 2024 taiga drama is Hikaru Kimi E. Hikaru Kimi refers to Hikaru Genji, the protagonist of The Tale of Genji, the world's oldest story, and the historical figure Fujiwara no Michinaga, who is said to be one of the people on whom Genji is modelled. The Tale of Genji has 54 volumes, so I can't introduce them all in this episode, but if you're interested, please look them up. So today, let's briefly explore The Tale of Genji and its author, Murasaki Shikibu.
What kind of story is The Tale of Genji? The setting is an aristocratic society in the Heian period. It is a story about the life of Hikaru Genji, an aristocrat blessed with radiant beauty and exceptional talent. It is said to have been written around 1008 AD, making it the oldest novel in the world. The first half of the story is about Hikaru Genji, who has numerous love affairs and achieves the highest honour as a nobleman, while the second half is about his discovery that true joy cannot be found through love encounters and human relationships, his eventual decision to become a monk, and the lives of his descendants.
So, what kind of person was the writer, Murasaki Shikibu? Actually, The Tale of Genji, is her first and last work. It is said that she was born to a poor noble family, was bereaved of her husband, and started writing The Tale of Genji to forget the painful realities of her life. At the time, paper was scarce and there were not many opportunities to write stories. So, whenever someone gave her a piece of paper, she would write a story and enjoy sharing it with her friends. One day, the man of the hour, Fujiwara no Michinaga, heard about the high reputation of her tales and invited Murasaki Shikibu to thee Imperial Court as a tutor for his daughter. She took this opportunity to continue writing stories with the support of Fujiwara no Michinaga while serving at theCourt, and it is there that she wrote The Tale of Genji, which contains 54 volumes. It quickly became a huge bestseller among emperors and aristocrats. The tale is still considered a masterpiece of Japanese literature with many people researching and admiring it.
So why has this tale been so widely read for so long? The reason is that it is so easy to empathise with the characters. In The Tale of Genji, the personalities and emotions of the protagonist Hikaru Genji as well asand the characters surrounding him, are expressed in a very subtle way. This makes it possible for readers to feel a sense of kinship with at least one of the characters. When you read this book, you will also be able to identify with one of them.
For those who think, “Fifty-four chapters are too long to read!”, I recommend the manga Maro, n?. This manga summarised each of the 54 chapters in a four-frame manga, which is very easy to read.