10_How do you call your partner?_パートナーの呼(よ)び方(かた)
[English below]
次(つぎ)に、結婚(けっこん)しているカップルの場合(ばあい)。英語(えいご)でも何種類(なんしゅるい)かありますね。でも、私(わたし)が知(し)っているのは、"wife" "husband"くらいかな。他(ほか)にもあれば、ぜひ教(おし)えてください。日本(にほん)は、本当(ほんとう)にたくさんあります。じゃあ、"wife"を先(さき)に説明(せつめい)しましょうか。妻(つま)、家内(かない)、女房(にょうぼう)、嫁(よめ)、奥(おく)さん…など、主(おも)に使(つか)われるのはこれくらいですね。次(つぎ)は"husband"。これは、夫(おっと)、主人(しゅじん)、旦那(だんな)、亭主(ていしゅ)…このくらいでしょうか。本当(ほんとう)は少(すこ)しずつ意味(いみ)が違(ちが)うのですが、それを全部(ぜんぶ)話(はな)すととても時間(じかん)がかかるので、このPodcastでは一般的(いっぱんてき)なものだけを紹介(しょうかい)します。それぞれの意味(いみ)を知(し)りたい人は、私(わたし)のYouTubeを見(み)てみてください。それぞれ「夫(おっと)」「妻(つま)」が一番(いちばん)使(つか)いやすい呼(よ)び方(かた)だと思(おも)います。他(ほか)の呼(よ)び方(かた)は、昔(むかし)、違(ちが)う意味(いみ)だった言葉(ことば)が多(おお)く、人(ひと)によってはよく思(おも)わないからです。「夫(おっと)」「妻(つま)」は、ビジネスの場面(ばめん)でも、友達(ともだち)と話(はな)す場面(ばめん)でも使(つか)うことができますから、覚(おぼ)えておいてくださいね。ちなみに、他(ほか)の人(ひと)の夫(おっと)や妻(つま)について話(はな)すときは「旦那(だんん)さん」「奥(おく)さん」が一番(いちばん)いいだと思(おも)います。
今日(きょう)は少(すこ)し役(やく)に立(た)つPodcastになったんじゃないでしょうか?笑 最後(さいご)まで聞(き)いてくれてありがとうございました。それじゃあ、次(つぎ)のPodcastで!ばいばーい
The title of this episode is "How to call your partner," and since there are many ways to call their partners, I think some of you are confused when you started learning Japanese. Most of the time, each of them has a proper way to use, but some rules are not so clear. So today, I would like to talk about it.
First of all, about a couple who has not been married. We call each other as "Kareshi which is a boyfriend" or "Kanojo which is a girlfriend". Sometimes they call like "Tsure" or "partner", but I think this is a rare case. The word "Tsure" may be similar to "company" in English? The term "partner" can be misleading because it is ambiguous whether it is a business partner or a private partner.
Next, about a married couple. In English, there might be also several words. I only know about "wife" and "husband". If you know any other words, please let me know. However, there are so many words for wife and husband in Japan. Then, let's explain "wife" first. Tsuma, Kanai, Nyobo, Yome, Oku-san... These are the words mainly used. Then, how about "husband"? Otto, Shujin, Danna, Teshu... The meaning is slightly different, but it takes a lot of time to talk about all of them, so this time I'll only introduce the most popular ones. If you want to know each of their meanings, please take a look at my YouTube. I think the terms "Otto" and "Tsuma" are the easiest to use. Other names may have m other meanings in the past, and some people don't like them. Remember that "husband" and "wife" can be used both in business situations and when talking with friends. When you talk about others' wives or husbands ,I think "Danna-san" and "Oku-san" are the most appropriate.
Today's podcast is a little useful, isn't it? Lol Thank you for listening to the end. See you in the next podcast! Bye bye